More popcorn, with the dead/dying pine tree in the background--notice how the everGREEN is nice and BROWN? I hope for a boatload of apricots this year. I had that and more last year, but they ripened the week before the baby came and I didn't get more than a few quarts canned. Then, we sadly ran out of the previous year's jam in October and I swore I would preserve no less than 20 pints of it this year. I had to buy jam for the first time in...3 years? It is expensive! Also, I discovered how yummy puree can be. My two year old and I use it in place of syrup on our pancakes. The other child claims it is "Yucka" but I find it to be very nice and not overly sweet.
This "rose garden" was recently a sea of yellow dandelions. I am not kidding. There was little green visible. I decided that it is the only place in my yard that gets enough sunshine to keep my tomatoes happy and despite the crying and protesting from my four year old ("But Mommy, I LOVE the beautiful flowers! No, no don't hurt them, I promise to water them every day!"), I poisoned them. I poisoned them good and drippy. I had to explain how we need food more than flowers and how this kind of flower won't let anything else grow. Husband decided that it would be best to weed-whack the heads off of them (didn't go over well with said four year old) also to keep them from going to seed. Six days later, we have our next picture.
Oh to be little again and appreciate Dandelions :) I must say though, they really are beautiful :) Best of luck with your apricots. Someday I'll can, I remember it from my childhood with fondness, but honestly lack the motherly ambition for now :)
You know what? I LITERALLY have been looking for dandelions to transplant into my own yard/garden! I also bought some seeds. (They are healthy greens as long as they are grown not around lots of car emissions or poisons.) I think it's actually possible to grow vegetables in and around those dandelions. I know, call me crazy, but I am a little jealous of the dandelions you already have growing.
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