Hooray for Parsley! I did not know this was a perennial. Apparently, my huge bush of it is growing back big and healthy. It took off last year and I loved it. I put it in everything I cooked and even dried it from my window when the season was over. That got used up quickly, too.
This one is rhubard. I like how the leaves are all crinkled up into balls and they slowly unfold into enormous poisonous leaves...It's pretty, anyway. I dug these crowns up from a valley behind my mom's house last year and stuck them into my own ground, so they are wild and we'll see how they taste this summer. I actually tried to buy them from an online catalog, but for some reason, no one will ship rhubarb to Utah. Any ideas?
This one is rhubard. I like how the leaves are all crinkled up into balls and they slowly unfold into enormous poisonous leaves...It's pretty, anyway. I dug these crowns up from a valley behind my mom's house last year and stuck them into my own ground, so they are wild and we'll see how they taste this summer. I actually tried to buy them from an online catalog, but for some reason, no one will ship rhubarb to Utah. Any ideas?